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Case study: Stone hallway tiles for Richmond renovation
This newly-renovated home in Richmond has received the full works from designer Amanda Gooding who chose one of our hand-aged grey limestone for the hallway tiles along with stone cobbles and flagstones for the driveway and garden path.
Now in the hands of its new owners, the family home boasts an impressive open plan kitchen/diner, along with cosy sitting room and four sumptuous bedrooms upstairs.
The hallway tiles are our Antiqued Grey Barr limestone which has been finished by hand to achieve the distressed look and feel of flagstones that have been laid for many years. In some of our close-up shots the slight surface pitting, colour variation and worn edges can be seen.
On arrival at the property you are met by our limestone driveway cobbles which feature pale tones varying from green and blue, through to pink and beige. These then lead to the garden path featuring the same stone in flagstone format – Chichester Antiqued Flagstones– which take you to the front door and on to the entrance hallway tiles.
This impressive renovation has created a modern home with traditional features and styling to soften the look and give a feeling of warmth. It was a pleasure to be involved.
If you are undertaking a renovation project, please get in touch to discuss your stone tile and flagstone needs. Not all of our products are listed on our website and we offer a stone tile sourcing service to find the right product for each project at hand.
Contact us for expert stone flooring, tile and paving advice.
Natural Stone Consulting are specialist suppliers of natural stone floors, wall tiles and paving. Working with factory partners in countries around the world, we have created one of the largest selections of modern, aged and antiqued flagstone floors at our showroom in Newbury, Berkshire.